The Post – journalist and the fourth estate
The term “fourth estate” was originally used by Thomas Carlyle in his book On Heroes and Hero Worship in 1841…
Portal isu semasa dan sosiobudaya
The term “fourth estate” was originally used by Thomas Carlyle in his book On Heroes and Hero Worship in 1841…
Istilah “fourth estate” (kuasa keempat) awalnya digunakan oleh Thomas Carlyle dalam bukunya On Heroes and Hero Worship pada 1841 yang merujuk…
Drama Pak Ya Cong Codei terbitan Balang Rimbun menjadi fenomena. Nama Sabri Yunus sebagai pengarah dan pelakon utama berselerak di…
Caption: 2001 – A Space Oddysey Griffith has claimed that many techniques from his films were lifted from novels…