In my opinion, Covic-19 is the answer from Allah SWT to the cumulative do’a of millions of Ummah made in the last very many years.
Today, Islam is at its worst stage of existence . The destabilizing effect on the world began after the fall of the Ottoman Empire by the combined troops of Europe.
The divisions of Islamic States through ‘divide and rule’ and the creations of puppet Islamic governments have not elevated the status of Islam.
The turmoil of Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, the tiny Muslim areas in China, Myanmar are testimonies of people sufferings that seemed endless.
Remember the year 570 when the Abrahah, the king of Yemen attacked the Kaabah prior to the birth of our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW ? Abrahah with his army of elephants were bent on destroying the Kaaba.
God Dispatched Ababil birds carrying small stones to demolish them. All perished. The Kaaba stood untouched.
Today, the Kaaba is deserted, because of fear of Covid-19.
In my opinion Abrahah was defeated because Allah SWT granted the do’a of Abdul Mutalib, the grandfather of the Prophet SAW and guardian of the Kaaba.
I like to believe that today, Allah SWT sent Covid 19 to mankind as an answer to the doa of the oppressed, regardless of their religious faiths.
Mankind is indeed facing the wrath of Allah SWT for their misdeed. I like to believe that Covid-19 is sent to remind mankind not to stray from the right path.
Is Covid-19 manufactured by man? Certainly mankind helps to disseminate the disease through their extreme carelessness.
It is largely held that the virus was accidentally released in Wuhan, China,and subsequently spread across the globe.
How do we overcome this virus?
This invisible beings seemed to be immuned to our defence system and present drugs.
Record showed that Covid-19 has killed roughly two percent of the public , especially the elderly, though not necessarily the frail.
There are many defence mechanisms available to stop the virus from entering our lungs. The fear of it has shaken the world to its core.
Even the Guardians of the twin cities of Makkah and Madina took extreme measures…Tawaf is now no longer allowed,hence no umrah for now.
We can minimise getting infected by keeping ourselves clean, keeping 1-2 meters away from friends and foes, avoidance of touch as much as possible, using masks, and skin and surface sanitisers.
When taking the wuduk (ablution), do so vigorously to clear the nostrils,where the virus might be lodged.
The vigilance of the infectivity of 14 days, in my opinion, should be extended to 60 days.
The Covid-19 , in my opinion is Allah SWT’s answer to the millions of doa from the oppressed due to humsn cruelty. Too much inhumanity has occured in the past years , that if unchecked not only will the Kaabah disappear , but the whole world will cease to exist.
I do not need to put down the excesses of mankind here though sometimes we think man has become extremely inhuman.
The Wreaker of mankind , the Covid-19 is already ‘in town’ from 2019. It is known that when Allah SWT acts to destroy evil, the innocents sometimes receive the brunts too.
Places like Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Libya, all Muslim and non-Muslim countries and even the outposts in the Arctic and Antarctic areas are not spared from fearing this virus.
I believe that Allah SWT released Covid-19 to Dampen the cruelty of Men. If we believe that this is true, then the establishment of a peaceful world would be of great help.
The conflicts in Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, China and the Ughur where thousands have suffered at the cruel hands of men must stop.
The conflict among men can only be resolved by friendship and kindness.
Insya Allah we will see the world moving to a new conflict – free and friendly order. And hence be free from Allah SWT’s retribution. Amin.
* The view expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of KUSEMAN.COM